Symbiotic Smart Homes

Climate Control

Gone are the days of heating the whole building for hours when no one is home. Intelligent programming allows for heating and cooling to occur when and where it's needed; reducing energy consumption - better for the client, better for the planet.

Comfort and Energy Efficiency

Climate control is not just for the car

SSH will provide the perfect smart climate control system for the client's budget and needs. From the simple-to-use NEST, to something just as easy to use but bespoke, SSH has the system to match the client and the building.

SSH building-wide climate control offers an ergonomic way to control both heating and cooling systems. Programmed so that only the rooms clients need are thermally controlled for right when they need them, this allows for reduced energy consumption, resulting in smaller bills and a lower carbon footprint.

SSH can provide the client with a climate system that works hard to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. However, if they are uncomfortable they can also alter their environment via their chosen smart device or in-wall touch panel.

Systems can be installed that know when clients aren't home, to prevent heating an empty building, but are also capable of learning the optimal moment to start heating or cooling when clients are enroute, so, as they walk in the door, it's the perfect temperature.

Find Out today What We Can Do For You
Find Out today What We Can Do For You