Symbiotic Smart Homes

Networks & Wifi

After recent global events, every house needs reliable internet throughout. Whether you are now based at home for half the week or more, or just need dependable internet for recreation, SSH can help connect up your entire house with the most reliable network available.

NEtworks, not just for the office

NEtworks & Wifi: the foundation of a smart system

SSH can help the client work from any room in the home with the best internet connection available, whether that's a hard cable connection in the home office or the latest specification of wifi covering every room, SSH will make sure they can confidently connect from anywhere.

A comprehensive network throughout the home is no longer a luxury but a necessity, whether it's the new work laptop that's just arrived or the replacement washing machine everything now seems to need at least a wifi connection. At SSH we make sure no matter the room be it the dining room or the garage it will have the connectivity needed to make sure all your tech can get online.

SSH will work with the client and their team to design and install the best network available within budget, from running cables during the building stage of a project, to retrofitting in a fully furnished home with minimal disruption to the occupants, SSH can provide you with the best network for the job.

All versions of smart homes, from the simple smart lighting system to the fully automated home, run on a comprehensive network; without connectivity between devices home wide systems can't exist. The foundation of a smart home is a combination of both its wired and wireless networks. SSH will install the most appropriate network solution for the client when the client is working towards a smart system.

The network is what allows SSH to connect everything from the lighting system to the security system through the in-wall touch panels or the client's chosen smart devices. Some form of a building-wide network will be required for the distribution of video & audio, smart lighting, climate control, etc. when the project requires an automated system of some kind.

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Find Out today What We Can Do For You